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Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is one of the most serious warnings in Scripture, and it applies regardless of whether one understands God as Oneness or through the Trinity. Since the Holy Spirit is God, blaspheming the Spirit is blaspheming Yahuah Himself. Let’s take a deep, scriptural look at what blasphemy against the Holy Spirit truly means and what its consequences are.

1. The Key Passage: Matthew 12:31-32 “Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall…

If reproach means blaspheming God, and God is the Holy Spirit, then wilful disobedience to His laws is indeed blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. This is not just an abstract theological concept—it is a direct, scriptural warning that should be taught with boldness and urgency.

Let’s break this down without softening the truth: 1. Reproaching (Blaspheming) God is Blaspheming the Holy Spirit Numbers 15:30 (KJV) But the soul that doeth ought presumptuously, whether he be…

Attributes of God

Walking in the Spirit while keeping the commandments requires both obedience and dependence on the power of the Holy Spirit. It is about aligning our thoughts, actions, and desires with the Word of God, just as Yahusha (Jesus) did. Below is a structured approach to achieving this:

1. Understanding How the Spirit Empowers Obedience Many assume that the Holy Spirit replaces obedience to the law, but the Spirit actually enables us to keep the law. A. The…

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Sic enim dilexit Deus mundum ut Filium suum unigenitum daret ut omnis qui credit in eum non pereat sed habeat vitam aeternam. Omnis enim quicumque invocaverit nomen Domini salvus erit. Et ait faciamus hominem ad imaginem et similitudinem nostram et praesit piscibus maris et volatilibus caeli et bestiis universaeque terrae omnique reptili quod movetur in terra.