The Gospel is Free
The Kingdom will cost you your all!


Lesson Title: Walking in the Spirit While Keeping the Commandments of God

Objective: By the end of this lesson, students will: Key Scriptures: Lesson Outline I. Introduction: The Role of the Holy Spirit in Keeping the Law A. Understanding the Purpose of the Holy Spirit B. The Law is Not Abolished II. The Difference Between Ignorant and Wilful Sin A. Ignorant Sin: Atonement and Forgiveness B. Wilful Sin: Blaspheming God III. Walking in the…


The Greater Exodus in Biblical Eschatology: A Torah-Observant Perspective Biblical prophets speak of a coming “Greater Exodus” – a future deliverance of God’s people so monumental that it will overshadow the ancient Exodus from Egypt. Jeremiah foretold a time when people will no longer invoke the first Exodus in their oaths, but instead swear, “As surely as the Lord lives, who brought…

Praise YAH Family,

I greet you in the matchless name of Yahoshuah Hamasiach (Jesus the Christ). I know YAH has been good to you this week if you’re reading this message.  As always peace and blessings in the name of one who created us all, but whom we seem not to be able to follow.  You can tell a lot about a person and a…