The Gospel is Free
The Kingdom will cost you your all!

A community based upon Torah and the New Testament

Ac 2:44 (KJV) And all that believed were together, and had all things common;
45 And sold their possessions and goods, and parted them to all men, as every man had need.
46 And they, continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart,

A comprehensive guide to spiritual, economic, and communal preparation for the Yeshurun Farm Community Cooperative in the face of increasing persecution and economic hardships.

I. Spiritual Preparation: Strengthening Faith & Obedience to Yah (Revelation 14:12)

“Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Yahusha.”

1. Daily Spiritual Disciplines

Prayer & Fasting – Commit to daily prayer and fasting for wisdom, protection, and endurance. (Psalms 55:17)

Torah Study & Memorization – Strengthen faith by studying and memorizing key scriptures for survival. (Deuteronomy 6:6-9)

Teaching the Youth – Raise children with a strong Torah foundation to prepare them for trials. (Proverbs 22:6)

2. Preparation for the Loss of Public Worship

Home Fellowships – Establish small, decentralized Sabbath gatherings to maintain worship.

Alternative Communication – Use internet, ham radios, private servers, and offline networks for community updates.

Mental & Emotional Resilience – Train members to endure persecution and remain steadfast. (Matthew 10:22)

🔹 Action Steps

✔ Schedule Torah study groups & daily prayer routines.
✔ Organize home fellowships & decentralized worship.
✔ Develop private communication channels for the community.

II. Economic Preparation: Achieving Self-Sufficiency (Proverbs 6:6-8)

“Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise: Which having no guide, overseer, or ruler, provideth her meat in the summer, and gathereth her food in the harvest.”

1. Food Independence

Community Farming & Gardening – Establish urban and rural farms for food security. (Genesis 1:29)
Stockpiling & Preservation – Store dry goods, canned foods, and heirloom seeds for long-term survival.
Greenhouses & Indoor Growing – Ensure year-round food production.

2. Land & Housing Security

Acquiring Rural Land – Buy affordable land with access to water, minimal zoning laws, and off-grid potential.  The land is located in Norther Arizona
Building Self-Sustaining Communities – Construct off-grid housing, tiny homes, and rainwater harvesting systems.
Alternative Energy Sources – Use solar panels, wood stoves, and water filtration systems.

We have purchased military tents to rent out but to also use for our own purposes until we can put in the permanent dwellings.

3. Financial Preparation

Exit Dependency on Babylon’s System – Reduce reliance on banks by investing in land, gold, and livestock.
Skill Training & Trade Development – Teach carpentry, Electrical,  farming, waste management, self-defense, and survival skills.
Barter & Trade Economy – Establish networks for exchanging goods and services without reliance on the dollar.  Networks should be established with other Hebrew communities and where possible Indian communities.

🔹 Action Steps

✔ Convert five acres into farm land to support the local community.  It is imperative that we start growing crops as they do not grow over night, neither do farm animals.
✔ Purchase a few chickens, sheep and goats.
✔ Establish financial survival plans and alternative barter networks.
✔ Learn self-sustaining trades and skills.

III. Community Building: Uniting for Protection & Support (Acts 2:44-45)

“And all that believed were together, and had all things common.”

1. Establish Communal Living & Support Networks

Relocate & Build Israelite Communities – Move to safe rural locations with like-minded believers. We have one already selected.
Create Emergency Mutual Aid Funds – Support families affected by persecution or economic hardships.  Will do so as members join.
Develop Medical & Health Teams – Train in natural medicine and emergency health care.  Will do and train as members join.

2. Security & Protection

Community Watch Programs – Organize security patrols to protect against attacks. Establish perimeter watches
Self-Defense Training – Teach firearm safety, martial arts, and emergency preparedness.  Will establish and train members as required.
Early Warning Systems – Install communication networks and emergency response plans.  We will establish both mechanical and electronic surveillance and warning systems.

3. Education & Youth Development

Faith-Based Homeschooling – Remove children from corrupt public education and teach Torah-based learning.  We will establish home school for our youth and continuing education for adults i.e. structured classes for members.
Survival & Leadership Training – Train both adults and youth in farming, carpentry, trade skills, electricity, sanitation  and self-defense.

🔹 Action Steps

✔ Develop self-sustaining Israelite communities.
✔ Organize mutual aid and security measures.
✔ Establish Torah-based homeschooling and youth leadership programs.

IV. Land Acquisition & Sustainable Living

“And I will plant them upon their land, and they shall no more be pulled up out of their land which I have given them, saith the Lord thy God.” (Amos 9:15)

1. Identifying Suitable Land

Rural/Agricultural Land – Away from major cities with good soil, water access, and low government interference.  This a completely remote and off grid community.  We do not want to openly advertise locations or numbers as the enemy will use the information against the community.
Large Acreage with Off-Grid Potential – We currently have 120 acres.  Each family will be assigned a portion of land.  Currently that is set at 3 acres.  Families do not become owners of the land the land will remain as part of the Trust. 
Safe & Secure Locations – Avoid areas with high crime or government oppression.  Since are remote, the goal is to avoid the outside world as much as possible and not bring undo attention to ourselves. 

🔎 Recommended Locations for Land Purchase

Arizona/New Mexico – Off-grid potential (requires water storage).

2. Funding & Purchasing Strategies

Community Land Cooperatives – Pool funds together to acquire land collectively.  The community has all things common,  Housing, Food, Utilities etc.  We must learn to live as one and survive as one.
Seller Financing & Lease-to-Own Agreements – Secure land without relying on banks.  We are already acquiring the land.

🔹 Action Steps

✔ Continue land payments and developement.
✔ Identify committed families willing to purchase and relocate.
✔ Secure housing deals.

V. Food & Water Independence: Preparing for Long-Term Survival

“And I will send grass in thy fields for thy cattle, that thou mayest eat and be full.” (Deuteronomy 11:15)

1. Establishing a Sustainable Food Supply

Community Farming & Livestock – Grow essential crops, raise chickens, goats, and fish.
Seed Banks & Heirloom Seeds – Store non-GMO seeds for future planting.
Water Security & Purification – Build wells, rainwater collection systems, and filtration units.

2. Food Storage & Emergency Preparedness

Stockpile One Year of Food – Store grains, canned goods, and dried fruits.
Learn Food Preservation Techniques – Canning, dehydrating, and fermentation.
Bartering & Trade Networks – Trade surplus food with nearby communities.

🔹 Action Steps

✔ Start farming operations and build livestock pens.
✔ Establish community food storage for long-term survival.
✔ Train members in food preservation and emergency water sourcing.

VI. Security & Defense: Protecting the Community

“If the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the trumpet, and the people be not warned… their blood will I require at the watchman’s hand.” (Ezekiel 33:6)

1. Community Security Measures

Organized Watch Teams – Patrol community areas to prevent threats.
Self-Defense & Firearm Training – Ensure all families know how to protect themselves.
Legal Awareness & Rights Education – Prepare for encounters with law enforcement.

2. Emergency Relocation Plans

Establish Safe Retreat Locations – Have designated areas for escape in times of persecution.
Secure Communication Networks – Use encrypted messaging and alternative media.
Disaster Preparedness – Plan for economic collapse and social instability.

🔹 Action Steps

✔ Train security teams in emergency response and self-defense.
✔ Set up encrypted communication and alternative information-sharing methods.
✔ Prepare families with emergency evacuation plans.

Final Call to Action

🚀 Immediate (Next 3-6 Months) ✔ Organize Torah study groups and home fellowships.
✔ Start stockpiling food, water, and essential supplies.
✔ Start relocation of some young men and women while we establish the permanent housing.

🔥 Long-Term (1-2 Years) ✔ Establish fully self-sustaining homesteads.
✔ Strengthen community security and defensive measures.
✔ Develop alternative economic systems for sustainability.

📢 Are You Ready? Let’s Start Taking Action Today!